:: Introduction

CanSat is made up of two words, ‘Can’ referring to a drink can and ‘Sat’ which is the short form of the word ‘satellite’. CanSat is indeed a tiny satellite or space explorer integrated within the volume of a soft drink can. Design and fabrication requirements of CanSat are similar to those of a real space project but in smaller scale and minimal volume. Thus, the CanSat competition provides teams with an opportunity to design, build and test their CanSat as a small scale aerospace project that includes all aspects of a real aerospace program. The competition includes the preliminary design review (PDR), critical design review (CDR) and post mission review (PMR). The 10nd International Iran CanSat Competition contains two classes:
1.    Remote Sensing-Communication
2.    Scientific-Exploration

The Remote Sensing-Communication class will challenge teams to design and build CanSats capable of collecting and transmitting environmental data, including temperature, humidity, and pressure. The CanSats will also be equipped with cameras to capture images and send them back to the ground station. Additionally, the competition will focus on using artificial intelligence to process images and extract valuable information for various applications, such as agriculture, environmental monitoring, and crisis response.
In the Scientific-Exploration class, teams will design and build CanSats capable of simulating an autonomous space system landing on a hypothetical planet. The CanSats will be released from a designated altitude and must rely on their own control mechanisms to navigate through the atmosphere and land within a designated target area. During the flight, the CanSats will collect pressure, temperature, altitude, and position data, which will be stored on an on-board memory card. Simultaneously, the CanSats will transmit real-time images and sensor data to the ground station for monitoring.
To encourage participation from students from all over the world, we are pleased to offer free tailored workshops for all participants. We are confident that this competition will provide a unique opportunity for students to gain valuable experience in STEM concepts, problem-solving, and teamwork.
